My Father’s Word says…
He is constantly scanning the earth to locate people who are seeking after tokens of Him and for those that actually find Him. He wants us to know that He is not very far from any of us.
He also says that His eyes search the entire world for those that have given Him their whole heart because He wants to show Himself strong in their lives. He wants to show us He is with us in a real way.
a token is a……
- visual
- tangible
- representation of fact
- symbol
- sign
- manifestation
What a good Daddy He is!
His thoughts of us are too many to count; they are more than the sand. His gifts and presence in our lives are beyond measure. He has placed tokens of His love for us all around and is waiting for us to earnestly seek Him and find them. In fact, when we believe, these tokens just seem to follow us.
Signs and wonders and miracles are tangible manifestations of His love for us. He is alive and wanting us to witness His demonstration of heaven through these visual representations of fact. He is healing people today as a symbol of His heart and love for us. He is raising the dead and casting out demons and setting the captives free through us; His body.
That’s right, we are His body and He has given us authority to do these things. Through us, the Kingdom of God can be demonstrated in miraculous ways. Let us all extend a hand to heal the sick and set the captives free. Let us all take some risks and earnestly seek these tokens, for when we find them we will not be disappointed. After all He wants to show Himself strong in our lives. God says over and over in His Word, “Do not be afraid!” and I say, just do it!
Commentary from Acts 17:24-27; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalms 139: 18 & Mark 16:16-18 Jewish Roots Bible
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